
Hi! My name is Jeanne Savelle and I love spreading wine joy everywhere I go! I created POP winecopy to give back to the wine industry that has enriched my life so much. My extensive experiences of wine, travel, and culture, allow me to write with empathy and insight.  am an avid
wine-lover who would love to help you build lasting wine relationships with your customers.
I am surrounded by a great team of professionals to support strategic digital marketing, lead generation, creative content, social media, graphic design and
Spanish language translation.

Join us on this fantastic journey with the world of wine!
I am a professionally trained copywriter with certification from American Writers & Artists, Inc. and am a member of both their Circle of Success program and the Professional Writers' Alliance.

For the love for wine and the wine business

My combination of experience and knowledge in the areas of finance, business, wine, writing and marketing allows me to understand changes in the global wine industry and how to keep your business relevant to your customers. Let's work together to bring your customers to you!

My Mission

My love for wine began upon a move to Los Angeles after graduating from the Thunderbird School of Global Management. I began visiting wineries, attending wine tastings, and started reading and studying about wine.
My international travels facilitated learning about wine regions around the world. I have studied with the Wine Scholar Guild, the International Sommelier's Guild and the Atlanta Wine School. My favorite wines are Champagnes but I love to try anything new and I visit wineries everywhere I go.
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